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Communiqué de presse : culture

Spectacle en anglais au Boui Boui

Le Boui Boui

Communiqué le 05/02/2016
Jibé make some noise

Spectacle en anglais
Les 6 février, 5 mars et 2 avril 2016 à 16h
Artiste : Jibé
Metteur en scène : Lionel Emery

Come and discover hy he has been making so much noise for the last two years !
From TF1 news to a standing ovation on French TV (La France a un incroyable talent), Jibé is the comedian who is rising, rising, rising…and who is not ready to stop. An instinctive showman, he combines humor and energy in the performance of vocal sound effects…he is one of the kind !!!
Jibé is now back with a new amazing show that you won't soon forget…

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