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Why is the unique lace-up jeans?


Communiqué le 10/08/2012
Unique lace-up jeans in a world of raw, have the jeans with laces authentique08. Unique jeans that will attract your attention.

The purchase of ordinary jeans can sometimes seem trite, but it is not always the case, far from it. Jeans there for everyone, embroidered jeans, jeans united, printed jeans, jeans for tall, jeans for the round, while others are still on the market, all I can you the quote. Unique lace-up jeans like that Fabienne C. created ... I can assure you that there is none.

Actually what I'm saying in a nutshell, is that most of the jeans that I just mentioned should suit you after a fitting, but ... it is at this point that things are more complicated as you'd hoped.

This is why Fabienne C. the fashion designer has FABSTYLE travallé much innovation, seeing the problems you encounter with jeans all that more normal, invented an innovative concept that allows many jeans fit your body type, this in fact it's over problems waist, to hips and thighs. Unique lace-up jeans, background appeared in a cutthroat world, what the world of jeans.

This innovative concept allows thus Fabienne C. at will to create unique jeans, jeans with laces as authentique08 are proof.
Fabienne C. is very happy to live their passion in FABSTYLE, she knows that it is only the beginning of a great adventure it is to live with the whole team.

The lace-up jeans have a bright future ahead of them, they are unique jeans, not much would change it for anything.

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Contact presse :
Pascal, service communication.

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